Ready to learn more useful information in 2 hours than most classes teach in days? If you want to jump start or expand your studio lighting knowledge, then this is the class for you. We’ll show you how to take great photos starting with one speedlight and build up to multi light strobe and modifier setups.
You’ll learn about
Manual camera settings for studio shooting.
The best focal lengths for portraits.
Why, when and how to use different modifiers like umbrellas, softboxes, and reflectors.
Simple methods to place your lights effectively and how light placement dramatically affects the mood of your photo.
How to avoid some of the biggest mistakes in studio lighting.
How to place your subject and control your background to get the effect you want.
Only the instructors will be shooting in this workshop but you'll have the ability to ask questions and see live results. Our live professional model will also share some great posing techniques. We use practical demonstrations so you won’t be left feeling overwhelmed with technical stats and theories.
Space is limited to 24 people. We recommend a basic understanding of using your camera in manual mode. Lighting experience is not required. If you’re thinking about buying strobes or just want to see what studio lighting is all about, this workshop is for you.
Strobepro Showroom & Warehouse
75- 1011 57 Ave NE Calgary Alberta
Thursday April 3rd at 6:30pm
Please note that there are no refunds on workshop registrations. Space is limited and we're reserving your spot.